
East West Ice Palace

Schedule App

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For Apple Macintosh Users

If you skate often at East West Ice Palace or at Center Ice Arena and use a Macintosh computer, you may want to take advantage of our free app.

We use Macs all through our facilities and have developed several applications to help us manage day to day business. This includes keeping track of our ice schedules. We use custom applications for planning and to make sure all of our employees have access to the same, up-to-date schedule information.

The schedules published in the Daily Ice Schedule section of our websites are generated from the same data. These pages show the schedule for each day in a tabular format.

But if you use a Mac, you have an even better option. You can use one of the same applications that we use ourselves. It shows detailed daily and weekly schedules in a graphical format that is easy to understand at a glance, plus photo albums and collections of documents such as fliers, information sheets, forms, and announcements.

Ice Time Application
Ice Time

Ice Time for Mac

Schedules, photos, documents, and more for both rinks.

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